Reach us when you are in Karpathos


Below you can find information on how to reach Oceanis Hotel from the three main locations of Karpathos.

Get to Oceanis Hotel from the airport / location map (large print)

Airport. From the airport of Karpathos, you will take the road that leads to the capital of the island "Pigadia". Using our Map you will easily find our Hotel Oceanis.

Get to Oceanis Hotel from the main port of Karpathos / location map (smal print)

Find information on how to reach Hotel Oceanis from the main port of Karpathos using the two maps of Karpathos town (Pigadia). Make your choice by pressing the picture on each map of Karpathos.

Geto to Oceanis Hotel from the center of Karpathos (Pigadia) / location map (large print)

Find information on how to reach our Hotel Oceanis, using the two maps of Karpathos (Pigadia). Make your choice by pressing the picture on each map of Karpathos.